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"This is this, and that is that..."

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There is no comments section on your "shut up a skeptic" post, so here is what an actual, ethical skeptic looks like, not the "pseudo-skeptic" that we see so often:


This essay applies: The Sleight-of-Hand StageCraft of the Debunker


This is my favorite:

China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018


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In view of contemporary events . . .

A brief history of the genocides and Scientific Racism of The Anglosphere.

The present is written in the past.

The Political Economy of Genocide. Exclusion, expulsion, extermination.



Free to subscribe.

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Brilliantly done, Sir. Brilliantly done.

I wrote something similar recently you might like: https://inadifferentplace.substack.com/p/narrative-theory-and-subversion?r=2s9hod

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"The reason you are unable to convince NPCs to question the official narrative isn't because they are stupid or complaint, it is because they prioritize the Ingsoc Narrative over reality."

So, they're cowards.

...That makes sense.

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